High-Performance Teams and Leadership in International Organizations
Diplomatic Excellence: Building High-Performance Teams and Leadership in Government and International Organizations
Authentic Leadership
Systemic Leadership
Evaluation 2
High-performance teams traits
Team Development Models
Examples of successful high-performance teams in various industries
Evaluation Module 3
Key Behaviors of High-Performance Team Leaders
Key Behaviors of High-Performance Team Members
Challenges of Training High Performance Teams
Training and Development
Evaluation Module 4
Key Affections and Motivations
Cohesion and Groupthink
Emotional Regulation and Contagion
Decision Making in Government Delegations, Embassies, and Official Organizations with Highly Effective Teams
Key Behaviors for Team Success
Evaluation 5
Understanding Cognitive Diversity
The Pygmalion Effect in High-Performance Teams
Feedback: The Sandwich and SOED Models
Leveraging Cognitive Strengths
Cultivating Cognitive Excellence in High-Performance Teams
Building a Learning Culture
Celebrating Success and Managing Failure Constructively
Evaluation Module 6